Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm never leaving.

Guten Tag!

So I am writing for the second time in a week!?! What is this. I know I know, totally unlike me, but I am sitting here on a Saturday night, mentally and physically preparing to run the Bonn marathon tomorrow and there isn’t much to do. I’ve got 26.2 miles to think about, but I’ve decided to distract myself a bit by updating my blog.

Usually I update talking about all my crazy experiences and the new countries I have visited. This post is merely one of reflection. I think one day I will want to look back and remember what I was feeling during my last month in Germany. Honestly, I am getting quite sad that the day when I will leave is nearing. I am not ready to leave.

I have formed such a close bond with my life here. I love my host family’s house, I love coming to my room and lying on my bed, I love the food my host mom cooks every night. I love how the trees have bloomed now that it is spring and everything is so happy and cheerful. I love that people lay outside on the grass, soaking up the sun, because they are finally happy to see it after many months of winter. It’s different from home because it’s always sunny in California. Which is not a bad thing, it just has a different vibe. I love that if I drive for an hour, I am in a different country with a different language and a different culture. I am going to miss the depth and the history everywhere I go. Every day here, I go outside and just by observing people and the city, I learn something new. You can’t help it. I will miss that when I go home. I’m not ready for my life in California again. I’m not ready for “See ya at Salt Creek beach” every day over the summer. I have an internship in place already, and might possibly be getting another one, and I also have to take a summer school course, so those things will keep me busy. But still, life is just not the same at home. Also, let’s not forget that at home, I am technically not allowed to drink, so my clubbing and bar experiences will cease to exist for a whole four months. Can you say painful?

I guess what I want is an extraordinary life filled with extraordinary experiences. I’m not content with Southern California. That’s not to say I take it for granted, because I don’t. I know it’s one of the best places in the world to live, and I am so lucky to have been raised there, and one day I hope to start a family and raise my children there as well. But for now, it is not enough. I am not one of those people who say, “I’m in southern California and this is the dream” and that’s it. No. Way. My host mom said it really well: “You are hungry.” I guess she meant it in the same way we would say, “You are ambitious.” But I really liked how it sounded. I am hungry. I’m hungry for more experiences and more life-changing events and more than just the average. I am STARVING actually. Ready to go see and explore and be young and free and alive.

My host mom also said that she wouldn’t be surprised if I come back one day. According to her, most students leave saying one day they will come back, but she never expects any of them to actually come back. I really do want to come back though. I have to start kicking my ass into gear regarding the language, cause I’m kind of slacking in my German class, but if I can speak the language then there is no reason to not come back. My qualifications and grades will be good out of college, and when else am I going to have no serious responsibilities? When else can I just pick up and move? I hope my plan works out. I just want to spend maybe another year in Europe. Four months is much too short. 

My resolution now is to go home and make life in Southern California as extraordinary as it can be. Every day I will try to do something new and learn all I can from my life there. It might not be Europe, but I think it has more to offer than I've discovered thus far. I will find out. 

So, with that little spiel, I will go channel my inner Kenyan and try to sleep in preparation for the race. I am not that tired yet, but I think once I start reading the chapters that I need to for my business final on Wednesday, I will be drowsy in no time. Wish me luck!

Tschüss! (I will miss saying that too). 


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